Cairns Peace Pilgrim crosses the line to pray at Pine Gap Defence Facility early Monday as Peace Convergence ends.

Media Release
Cairns Peace Pilgrim crosses the line to pray at Pine Gap Defence Facility early Monday as Peace Convergence ends.
UPDATE: Paul Christie has been arrested and is being held at the Alice Watchhouse.
Peace Pilgrim Paul Christie has been arrested after praying on the mountain at Pine Gap Defence Facility and is being held by police in the Alice Springs watchhouse.
It is not clear what charges he is facing given the challenge to the Defence (Special Undertakings) Act 1952 by Supreme Court Judge Trigg last Thursday.

The police prosecution last Thursday were directed to drop charges against 5 Peace Pilgrims after Judge Trigg announced that the legislation was “a nonsense”.

Judge Daynor Trigg, said  the legislation requires an ‘authority to prosecute’ from the Attorney General BEFORE prosecution proceeds. He added that the law states that ‘prosecution’ starts with charging.

All pilgrims who were lamenting the preparation of illegal war at Pine Gap were immediately released last Thursday.

It is understood the police prosecutor intends to appeal later this month in the Darwin High Court.

Paul Christie is expected to appear in court at the 2pm sitting Monday afternoon in Alice Springs.
PHOTO and VIDEO opportunity outside the court following proceedings.

Margaret Pestorius 0410273604
More information at
Cairns Peace Pilgrim crosses the line to pray at Pine Gap Defence Facility early Monday as Peace Convergence ends.
The Peace Pilgrims continued last night building a culture of peace with lamentations, ceremony and prayer on the hills overlooking the secret US Spy base that is Pine Gap.
Paul Christie of Cairns, and a member of the Australian Peace Pilgrims, has come all this way to answer the call from the Arrernte elders, past and present, to begin the process of closing down Pine Gap.
“Before we can begin to imagine the end of our war culture and the closing of terror bases like Pine Gap we must sit and mourn, we must sit and accept, we must sit and recognize the horrors that our collective denial has allowed” says Paul Christie.
“I have been called to carry out a healing ceremony for the land and for its people, the Arrernte people, for the water that runs under the base and through us all, for the families destroyed by the US war machine and to pay respect to the ancestors who walked this land for thousands of years”
Pauli Christie Peace Pilgrim from Gimuy (Cairns)
“All honest people are converging, all cultures are converging, all faiths are converging in the dream of an end to this war culture, of a rebirth of sovereignty, of a resurrection of truth and justice for all. It is time to end the rule of the Psychopaths”
“I am one humble man that will walk the land with the permissions of the elders past and present. I do not do this as a protest but as the right thing to do, I do not disobey the state for the sake of disobedience but because what I do I feel we all must do. Face the horror, face the denial and expose it”
As the convergence of Peace Makers from across the country and the world come to a close there is a stronger sense of empowerment, inspiration and encouragement to continue together to raise awareness, build community and strengthen the network of peace makers across the world.
“The war culture will end, it is up to each of us, in our own way, to help that happen sooner” says Paul Christie.
For more information about the Peace Convergence or any of the actions carried out ask for contact with the Media collective via
Facebook Close Pine Gap community page
Twitter: @ClosePineGap.
For specific information regarding Paul Christie’s action and for interviews contact
Margaret Pestorius 0410273604.
Margaret Pestorius after 4th October 0403214422
Graeme Dunstan 0407951688

Additional Material
Google drive pertaining to Peace Pilgrims attending the Pine Gap Peace Convergence
Paul Christie is attends the convergence with the Peace Pilgrims who earlier this week entered the base to pray and play a song of lament on the hill overlooking. Their charges were thrown out of court on Thursday by Alice Springs Supreme Court Judge Mr Trigg.
See ABC online article at
See also additional media releases and media exposure from the Close Pine Gap Peace Convergence at

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Close Pine Gap, Free Chelsea Manning!

Australian peace activists attempting to close the Pine Gap US intelligence base declare their solidarity with imprisoned whistleblower Chelsea Manning.
Chelsea Manning was a US soldier, arrested in 2010 after leaking thousands of classified documents related to the war in Iraq. In 2013 she was sentenced to 35 years in military prison for the leaks.
Chelsea attempted suicide in July and was hospitalised. Last Friday she was found guilty of charges related to the suicide attempt and sentenced to 14 days solitary confinement.
The Pine Gap intelligence base and the imprisonment of Chelsea Manning are both symbols of the US military’s war on the truth. On one side of the world you have this intelligence base, hidden away in the desert, unaccountable even to the Australian government, which drops bombs with impunity on places where the US has never declared war. On the other side of the world is a person locked up for most of her life for daring to tell what she saw with her own eyes in a US warzone.
Peace will never come from a military superpower spying on the world, killing people in their homes, unaccountable to anyone and willing to go to any lengths to suppress the truth about its actions. Peace can only come from openness, transparency and a willingness to take responsibility for our own actions. Courageous truth-tellers like Chelsea Manning are not criminals – they are our only hope of a better world.

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US bases a significant cost to communities

“There are a growing number of situations throughout the world that call into question the assertion that US bases positively impact a local community’s economy,” says Dr Lisa Natividad, a speaker at the annual conference of the Independent and Peaceful Australia Network (IPAN), being held in Alice Springs today.
“For example, in the case of Fayetteville, North Carolina that hosts two major US bases, the city is found to have one of the state’s highest rates of child poverty and infant mortality.  The military sector is one of the least efficient mechanisms for job creation.
“A quantification of the economic impacts of the military needs to transcend a mere bean count of jobs locals are able to get on bases.  Rather, this analysis needs to take into account the various services and infrastructural investments made by local communities that include the provision of health care, the maintenance of roads, the increased demand for water, electricity, and the wear and tear of these systems over time.
“In addition, the social costs for military-related crimes, the demand for the sex industry, and the tensions between US active-duty troops and locals also needs to be considered,” said Dr Natividad.
“In Okinawa, US Forces-related revenue has been approximately 5% of the gross prefectural income since the 1990s,” says Professor Kosuzu Abe, of Okinawa, also a speaker at the IPAN conference.
“From our experience and research in Okinawa, we conclude that the military is not a significant contributor to the economy, and worse than that, it impacts adversely on the community economy and blocks community self-determination,” said Professor Abe.
“Trump’s lies in the US presidential debate have brought to light the cost incurred by countries with US bases on their territory,” said Denis Doherty from the Anti-Bases Campaign Coalition, a member of IPAN.
“Trump claimed that Japan, Germany, South Korea and Saudi Arabia pay nothing to the US for “defending” their countries.
“In fact, the South Korean Government paid around $1.2 billion in 2014 for the US military presence in the country. That is about 40 per cent of the total costs.
“Japan’s budget shows that it pays about $5.7 billion annually in base-related expenses.
“The US Marine base in Darwin will cost Australian taxpayers around $2.3 billion over the forward estimates and Pine Gap alone cost $14m in 2011-12,” said Mr Doherty.
“These costs are at the expense of our public health and education systems, the disabled, the homeless and other programs which the Turnbull Government claims it cannot fund,” Mr Doherty said.
Media Liaison:  Kathryn Kelly  0417 269 984 for interviews

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We at the gates of Pine Gap – join us with a selfie

Right now our peace convergence is at the gates of Pine Gap!
Peacefully blockading to #ClosePineGap and oppose US drones killing civilian, data collection / surveillance on citizens and US war making on sovereign Arrente land.

Can you join us now? Spread the word by tweeting and posting on your personal social media a selfie with a #ClosePineGap sign like Marcella just tweeted:

Include your family / pets / friends / neighbours in the selfie or just you is enough to create a national buzz.
Yesterday, you may have read in media that five peace pilgrims were arrested after trespassing non-violently and playing their musical instruments in a beautiful dawn lament for the hundreds of thousands of innocent lives lost in US wars. The five were arrested but were not charged as the AFP did not follow proper procedure as reported on ABC news 
And did you see our amazing day long lock on action at Raytheon yesterday to stop supplies to Pine Gap?  We are getting noticed and making a contribution to Peace in this country.
Now we stand at the gates of a brutal, endless war perpetrated by Australian and US militaries on our soil at Pine Gap. Stand with us and let out a powerful call for justice and peace, post your selfie now and retweet and post #ClosePineGap words and images.
And please send this email to people you know who would want to support us with selfie.
We look forward to seeing your beautiful faces on social media while we blockade the war makers.
With thanks and in peace,
Margaret Pestorius

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Peace Pilgrims Lament at Pine Gap

Early on Thursday morning, five “peace pilgrims” walked on to the Pine Gap US military base at Alice Springs, in Arrernte country, to lament the death caused by the base and to resist the violence that is perpetrated there.
Jim Dowling, Margaret Pestorius, Andy Paine, Tim Webb and Franz Dowling were the pilgrims. Christians committed to non-violence, most of us had undertaken “peace pilgrimages” before on this and other military facilities.
We had already had several thwarted attempts at actions at Pine Gap this week, and this one involved a long late night walk through pretty tough country. When we eventually arrived at the perimeter fence we discovered police patrolling with spotlights. If we were going to get to the base it was going to be a race.
The actual Pine Gap facility is tucked away behind hills. With police at the top, our only hope of lamenting in eyesight of the base was to do it on the run. Musical instruments and a photo of an Iraqi father holding his dead child had been packed to aid the lament. They were unpacked halfway up the hill. Miraculously, the instruments were in tune. Playing guitar and viola while running up a mountain is not easy. Neither is filming the whole thing in the dark. Nevertheless, the feeling was there.
The musicians made it to the top of the hill performing their elegy. The cameraman was tackled by two cops and handcuffed. There in front of us sat Pine Gap – the place that spies on the world, identifying targets for bombs and drone strikes. The place that has been responsible for so much death. The place that is central to the myth of nuclear weapons being a “defence”. All around us, invisible satellite signals were being sent and received; part of the never-ending and all-encompassing War On Terror, aiding the reign of the world’s military superpower. Prayers were uttered. Tears were shed. The defiance in our hearts was strengthened. And then we were frisked, locked in police vans and transported out of there.
We were charged with trespass under the Defence (Special Undertakings) Act. The law exists specifically to protect Pine Gap and carries a maximum penalty of seven years imprisonment. Only one group of people have ever been charged with it before – the “Pine Gap Four”, who in 2005 entered the base to conduct a “citizen’s inspection”. One of the Four, Jim Dowling, was with us again this time.
In 2007, the Pine Gap Four had their charges overturned on appeal. The High Court ruled that to use the act, the government had to prove that Pine Gap was used for the defence of Australia. A subsequent law change means that is no longer the case – it is now written into the law that Pine Gap is a “defence facility”.
Another complication to the law arose though. For a charge of this magnitude, the expressed consent of the federal Attorney-General is required to charge someone. The prosecution admitted that Attorney-General George Brandis had not got back to them yet. They expected this meant the case would adjourned. Judge Daynor Trigg disagreed. The charges, he said, should be dismissed.
After much discussion in the cell of what we should do regarding bail conditions, to our surprise we were called into court to be told we could go free.
A big crowd of supporters at the court cheered, and we walked out to hugs and smiles. Another lament, this one stationary and free of police interruption, was performed. Our expectation though is that the charges will be re-laid shortly, and facing the serious penalties of this act in court will be very interesting and challenging.
A big thankyou to everybody who helped us in the action, and all who have supported and encouraged us. Let’s continue together to resist the war machine and create a more peaceful world. Close Pine Gap!

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Support the #PineGapPilgrims

We were lamenting war and praying for peace at Pine Gap. We have been found guilty of "being" in a prohibited area, and await sentencing. Now we need your help and support:
  1. To get involved sign up for Wage Peace Newsletter for updates, invitation to actions, call outs. Also to halt the march of the military in our universities and communities. Share this information with your friends and networks.
  2. Donate to help us with the costs of travelling back from Alice Springs and general costs that we incurred fighting this case.
  3. Support us with Actions in Alice Springs, Brisbane and Cairns on December 4th when we will be sentenced in the Brisbane Federal Court