Media Exposure
Pine Gap and a possible Korean nuclear war
16/10/2017 - Richard Tanter - - a shorter version was published on -
War, US military bases and the IPAN Conference
11/9/2017 - Binoy Kampmark - Independent Australia -
Minding the Gap by Felicity Ruby
20/8/2017 - Felicity Ruby - -
Close Pine Gap
11/10/2016 - James Brennan - Red Flag -
Protest action at Pine Gap spy base targets US imperialism
10/10/2016 - Vanguard -
Peace activists converge to close Pine Gap
8/10/2016 - Kerry Smith - Green Left Weekly -
Paradigm Shift
7/10/2016 - Andy Paine - 4zzz -
Professor Wants Government to Come Clean on Base
4/10/2016 - Tom Volling - Centralian Advocate -
A Gap in Understanding Protesters Lament a Lack of Compassion
4/10/2016 - Andrea Johnston, Tom Volling - Centralian Advocate -
Red faces for Federal police bringing peace activists to court
3/10/2016 - Kieran Finnane - Alice Springs News -
Pine Gap: Important talks but who was listening?
3/10/2016 - Erwin Chlanda - Alice Springs News -
US military bases in Australia: Protecting us or putting us at risk?
2/10/2016 - Emma Reynolds - NT News -
US military bases in Australia: Protecting us or putting us at risk?
2/10/2016 - Emma Reynolds - -
What really happens at Pine Gap
1/10/2016 - Hamish McDonald - The Saturday Paper -
Pine Gap protesters freed after breaking into US-Australian defence facility
30/9/2016 - Tom Maddocks - ABC Online -
Pine Gap demonstrators provide real time images
29/9/2016 - ERWIN CHLANDA - Alice Springs News -
Close Pine Gap Radio Radio. Special Programming: Songs of Resistance & Peace
28/9/2016 - Various - 8CCC 102.1FM Community Radio -
Pine Gap Protests in Town, at Base
28/9/2016 - September 28th 2016 - Alice Springs News -
Northern rivers activists join Pine Gap protest
28/9/2016 - Ros Elliott - The Echo Net Daily, Byron Bay -
Is Alice Springs a target
27/9/2016 - Debra Killalea - The Centralian Advocate
The eagerness of Australian leaders to be ardent devotees to the U.S. and its military interference dominated discussions at the recent IPAN conference in Melbourne. Dr Binoy Kampmark reports.
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Support the #PineGapPilgrims
- To get involved sign up for Wage Peace Newsletter for updates, invitation to actions, call outs. Also to halt the march of the military in our universities and communities. Share this information with your friends and networks.
- Donate to help us with the costs of travelling back from Alice Springs and general costs that we incurred fighting this case.
- Support us with Actions in Alice Springs, Brisbane and Cairns on December 4th when we will be sentenced in the Brisbane Federal Court